B. Edit the sentences below to solve problems with the subject verb contract and write the edited sentence. If a sentence is correct, write “correctly.” Example: In each of the following sentences, an appropriate verb is provided in accordance with its theme:- Some names, which are plural in form but singularly in the sense, adopt a singular verb. For example, a verb must match its subject in numbers and in person. (a) If the subject is a third person is singular, most English verbs end in -s or -it, but there are no -s or -it in plural third. He goes to school. You go to school. Sita goes to school. Sita and Rama go to school. They`re eating a mango. Ram eats a mango. Exceptions (i) The verb `be` and its forms are an exception to this rule: it is a friend. I`m your friend.

They`re friends. When individual subjects have “everyone” or “all” in front of them, the verb is usually singular. For example, he is a good boy. (Singular subject, singular verb) You are good players (plural theme, plural) Mom, can I run in the park? I jumped over the puddle. You`re swimming fast in the race. What do the words that are put forward all have in common? They`re verbs! A verb is a main part of the language commonly used to describe or display an action. Sentences are not complete without a verb. Here are some examples: running, stopping, listening, shouting, exploring and believing.

If two distinct names refer to the same person or person, the verb must be singular. Example: If the subject of the verb is a relative pronodem, it is necessary to ensure that the verb in number and in person corresponds to the parent`s precursor. For example, it should be noted that the article is used only once if both names refer to the same person. If one referred to different people, the article would be used before each noun and the verb would be plural. Example: words associated with a singular subject, with, in addition or parentetic, and therefore have no influence on the number of verbs. For example, can you imagine verbs for actions you completed today? You may have brushed your teeth, put on your shoes, smiled at your friend and buzzed with your water. For the rest of the day, think about what you`re doing. What verbs can you imagine? Verb A verb says what something does or exists. Examples: The title of a book, play, history, musical composition and the name of a country, although plural in the form of a singular verb. Example: D.

Point out the subject of the sentence and the correct verb in the following sentences.