In contract law, acceptance is the final step in forming a binding agreement between two parties. It is the process of agreeing to the terms outlined in an offer made by one party to another. When a party accepts an offer, it signals their intention to enter into a contractual arrangement with the other party.

The prescribed mode of acceptance refers to the method by which an offer must be accepted in order for a binding agreement to be formed. This can include a variety of methods, such as oral communication, written communication, or conduct that indicates acceptance.

In general, the mode of acceptance is specified by the offeror, either explicitly or implicitly. For example, an offeror may specify that an offer can only be accepted in writing or by a specific deadline. In these cases, any attempted acceptance that does not comply with the prescribed mode of acceptance will not result in a binding agreement.

However, there are some situations where the mode of acceptance is not specified by the offeror. In these cases, the mode of acceptance is determined by the nature of the offer and the circumstances surrounding it. For example, if an offer is made in person, it is generally assumed that acceptance can be made orally or through conduct that indicates acceptance.

It is important to note that the mode of acceptance can also be affected by the medium through which the offer is made. In today`s digital age, offers and acceptances can be made through a variety of electronic means, such as email, text message, or social media. In these cases, the mode of acceptance may be governed by the terms of use of the website or platform being used, as well as any applicable laws and regulations.

In addition to the prescribed mode of acceptance, there are other factors that can affect the validity of an acceptance. For example, an acceptance must be made with the intention of forming a binding agreement. If an acceptance is made as a joke or in jest, it will not be enforceable. Similarly, an acceptance made under duress or coercion will not be valid.

In conclusion, the prescribed mode of acceptance is an important concept in contract law. It ensures that both parties are aware of how an offer can be accepted, and it helps to prevent misunderstandings and disputes. It is important for both offerors and offerees to understand the prescribed mode of acceptance, as well as any other factors that can affect the validity of an acceptance, in order to ensure that their contractual arrangements are legally binding and enforceable.